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Welcome to Working on Marriage

This site/blog was supposed to start about 7 or 8 years ago. I've jotted down notes and been inspired to start a marriage blog for a long time, but have never pulled the trigger. Today I make that happen so that I don't fall another 7 or 8 years behind. I don't know who will read or consider my thoughts about working on their marriage, but if even just one person finds anything useful on this page, and implements even just one improvement to his marriage, then it's a success. Maybe not a big success, but a success nonetheless.

I'll do a more thorough introduction of myself in a separate post, but something has to break the ice and get this site up and running, so this is it. For now I'll just say, I'm Justin Caplin and I care a lot about marriage and family. My core purpose and focus is on improving marriages in order to provide a better situation and life for every child. A good marriage can limit a child's exposure to and reduce the likelihood of abuse, domestic violence, intergenerational poverty, harmful conflict, substance abuse, dependency on governments, and other negative experiences and outcomes.

Come back and consider a practical but unique point of view on how you can work on your marriage and improve your family-life, and thereby improve your life, your spouse's life, your children's lives, and your community's life. It's worth the work.

*This isn't me. This is just a stock photo of a happy family, just in case you were wondering.

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